Our Christian Values and Learning Values promote British Values
At St Lawrence CE Primary School, our Christian values and Learning Values dove tail to promote British values. Our foundation of unconditional love for everyone in our community leads us towards tolerance and not judgement in all our relationships. We work together as a team, even though our choices, beliefs and cultures can be different. We learn to make our own choices about our behaviour and spirituality, but we actively encourage mutual respect for different cultures and beliefs.
We have individual liberty to make choices, but we take responsibility for these choices when things have gone wrong. This show us that true justice requires real forgiveness in order for us to grow as individuals and groups. We are not too proud to admit when we are wrong or need to forgive others. We demonstrate compassion when we give people a chance to make a fresh start every day. We look outwards and endeavour to show compassion within and far beyond our school community.
The development of our spirituality is very important to us. We actively encourage all children to be curious in their learning and about their own and others’ beliefs. We have mutual respect for followers of different religions and of no religion.
Pupil voice is important to our community and everyone is heard. We democratically elect a Head Boy and Head Girl each year and our school behaviour expectations demonstrate how the rule of law bind a community together in a positive way. We aim to show equality in all that we think and do. Through our resilience and aspirations, we grow and adapt as people for the future.
The government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values have been reiterated by the Prime Minister. At St Lawrence CE Primary School, these values are reinforced regularly in the following ways:
Democracy permeates throughout within the school. The whole school have the opportunity to have their voices heard through a number of avenues for example:
Democracy is a key concept which permeates through the curriculum in every year group but in particular Year 6.
Year 6 class vote for a short list for Head Boy and Head Girl candidates
Whole school vote following a week of campaigning for Head Boy and Head Girl
Two year 6 children represent St Lawrence at the local Church Council meetings
Two children from each class are part of the School Council who meet regularly to discuss aspects of the school with the Headteacher and then feedback to their classes
Our Fair Trade Ambassadors are elected and lead Fair Trade Fortnight every year
The school endeavours to organise visits to the Houses of Parliament each year
Our local MP, Damian Hinds has visited the school
Class helpers are often democratically decided upon
The importance of laws, whether they be those that govern the class, the school, or the country, are consistently reinforced throughout regular school days, as well as when dealing with behaviour and through school assemblies. Pupils are taught the value and reasons behind laws, that they govern and protect us, the responsibilities that this involves and the consequences when laws are broken. This is also reinforced through:
Clear school expectations based on our Christian values
Focus on UNICEF rights of the child
Fair play in PE and other activities
Taking part in competitions and tournaments at other schools
Taking turns and sharing fairly
Visitors in to school e.g. Fire Service discussing safety rules and what happens when rules are broken
Visit from NSPCC
Visit from the Police
Year 6 annual trip to Think Safe where representatives of RNLI, Police, Fire, Trading Standards and SDAS (Domestic Abuse) explain rules to the children and the consequences when rules are broken
Magistrates visit Year 6 in the summer term to role play and then discuss the ways a Court works
Visiting Vicars and school staff discuss the Ten Commandments as a theme in Collective Worship
Within school, pupils are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. As a school, we educate and provide boundaries for young pupils to make choices safely through the provision of a safe environment and empowering education. Pupils are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and advise how to exercise these safely e.g. through our E-Safety and PSHE lessons. In addition, we promote:
Individual liberty permeates through the curriculum through for example; the study of black history, the holocaust and other important historical events
RR values and a knowledge of those rights
Children choose own task in a lesson
Children choose playground equipment
Promotion of a positive mindset and a 'can do' approach to learning
Children have choices in how to present or tackle work
Value our House Points system and sending a postcard home, promoting and celebrating both individual and group achievements.
A wide range of clubs to choose from. Through Pupil Premium, we ensure each child is able to choose and access.
As a Rights Respecting School, our school ethos and behaviour policy is based on our Core Values: CURIOSITY, ASPIRATION, RESPECT, RESILIENCE, EQUALITY; within that our Christian values of LOVE, CARE/COMPASSION & RESPECT and our overarching value of LOVE. Respect is at the heart of our ethos which is demonstrated in the following ways:
Respecting differences e.g. languages, children from other countries
Respecting each other through listening, sharing and being polite
Appreciating individual effort with praise, stickers and postcards sent home
Year 6 taking on responsible peer mentor roles and monitors e.g. Librarians across the whole school
Being part of our local community and showing responsibilities through visiting places such as local residential homes to share our intergenerational work
Having close links with the Parish of the Resurrection and other local ministers.
Remembrance Day assembly – sharing the meaning behind it and taking part in a minutes silence.
Head Boy and Head Girl join Headteacher at The Cairn for a Remembrance Sunday service
Circle time to listen and share what we are proud of or concerned about.
Valuing our PSHE curriculum to complement British Values
Recognition of individual and group achievements through stickers, postcards home and House Points.
Circle Time – say something positive about each other.
This is achieved through enhancing pupils’ understanding of their place in a culturally diverse society and by giving them opportunities to experience such diversity. Assemblies and discussions are supported by learning in RE and PSHE. To further embed this we:
Deliver assemblies based on a Christian ethos
Promote listening to each other and valuing others’ opinions
Make educational visits which include other faith places of worship, showing respect or values of other cultures
Support charities around the world e.g. Toilet twinning with Tear Fund
Look at different religions within topic work e.g. Year 3: Ancient Egypt; Year 4/5: Noggin the Nog (Vikings); Year 4/5 Minions visit Ancient Greece – looked at their beliefs in the after life and RE planning across the whole school