
St Lawrence CE Primary School

Lunch Menus

School Lunches


Hot Dinners:


The full plate service is the standard for all HC3S primary school meals, allowing each child to select a main item from the menu, which automatically comes accompanied by vegetables, carbohydrate and a dessert (fruit is always a dessert option).


Hampshire menus adhere to the nutritional standards that came into effect from September 2008 and each child has the opportunity to have at least two portions from a selection of vegetables, salad and fruit with their meal. Hampshire continues to offer additional bread as a free extra to their meals and water is available throughout the lunch period.

Hot dinners will cost at present £3.00 per meal, cheques are to be made payable to HCC St Lawrence C E Primary School.  Money is to be handed into class in an envelope on a Monday with your child's name and details of the meals required on the front.


Free School Meals


Hampshire County Council Catering Services (HC3S) have launched an online service enabling parents to check their eligibility for free school meals themselves.

This self service option is available at:


Should you not have access to the internet or have problems using the website, please contact the school office who with your permission, can apply online on your behalf.


Packed Lunches:


St. Lawrence Primary School has a Healthy Eating Policy. A copy is available in the office. Children may only bring fruit or vegetables for break-time snacks.  Children in KS1 are given free fruit every day. At lunch-times we ask that parents pack a healthy lunch box with no chocolate or sweets.  The Food Standards Agency website has some very good ideas if you would like some ideas for healthy and nutritious packed lunches.

Picnic Menu - November 2024 - April 2025

Classic Menu - November 2024 - April 2025

Special Diets/Allergies:


Any child who requires a special menu, parents will need to apply through the portal below:-


Below you will find leaflets to explain the process.  Any questions, please contact the school office.

2023 Year R Starter Guide
