
St Lawrence CE Primary School

Special events

Key Stage 2 Christmas cantata - "One Bright Star"

Key Stage 1 Nativity - "A King is born"

St Lawrence Christmas Tree Festival

Christmas pictures in Specsavers window

Year 5 singing "Where is love?" from Oliver at "Night at the Musicals" at Amery Hill

Still image for this video

Year 5 singing "Dancing Queen" from Mamma Mia at "Night at the Musicals" at Amery Hill

Still image for this video

Celebrating the Coronation of King Charles III

Kyryl reads out the Bishop's Charge in front of a packed Winchester Cathedral on Maundy Thursday

Members of Alton Concert Orchestra visit our school

We were lucky to have members of Alton Concert Orchestra perform a version of Peter and the Wolf to us. The children loved hearing about the instruments and seeing them being played up close. It has definitely inspired the children!

Year R

"It was like magic."

"I thought it was so beautiful."

"I liked the violin the best."


Year 1

"The whole thing was amazing when they played together."

"I loved it when they played the violin."

"I liked the flute because my sister plays it."


Year 2

"You have made me interested to play an instrument."

"I really like the double bass and the low notes that it made."


Year 3

"The bassoon was interesting and it was giant! I didn't expect it to be that big."

"I liked learning about reeds and what the instruments were made out of."

"I liked the first part of Peter and the Wolf - it was happy and joyful but the wolf was really scary!"

"It was nice to listen to the music because when they played altogether it sounded so real!"


Year 4

"It was fascinating - you could actually imagine the story as it was being played."

"I liked having professional musicians come in."

"I enjoyed it because the music sounded just like the animals."


Year 5

"It must have taken a lot of work to have done that. I loved the expression in their music."

"I would like to watch another concert after seeing this one."


Year 6

"It was out of this world."

"It was really interesting and I think they interpreted the characters really well."

"I loved the range of different instruments they used.  

"They made me want to listen to more."

"I love how they showed the character’s personalities in the music." 

Key Stage 1 and 2 First Aid Training

On Thursday 19th January, every pupil in years 1 to 6 received First Aid Training as part of our Wellbeing Curriculum. As well as finding out about how to treat cuts , years 1 and 2 learned how to call 999 in an emergency and practised what to say to the call operator. Years 3 and 4 found out how to help if someone is choking and also how to treat burns. All pupils learned how to give CPR, with older pupils also learning how to use defibrilllators.

A huge thank you to Wayne and Matt from and to the PTA who helped to fund this very important learning opportunity.
