Our Christian Values and Learning Values promote British Values
At St Lawrence CE Primary School, our Christian values and Learning Values dove tail to promote British values. Our foundation of unconditional love for everyone in our community leads us towards tolerance and not judgement in all our relationships. We work together as a team, even though our choices, beliefs and cultures can be different. We learn to make our own choices about our behaviour and spirituality, but we actively encourage mutual respect for different cultures and beliefs.
We have individual liberty to make choices, but we take responsibility for these choices when things have gone wrong. This show us that true justice requires real forgiveness in order for us to grow as individuals and groups. We are not too proud to admit when we are wrong or need to forgive others. We demonstrate compassion when we give people a chance to make a fresh start every day. We look outwards and endeavour to show compassion within and far beyond our school community.
The development of our spirituality is very important to us. We actively encourage all children to be curious in their learning and about their own and others’ beliefs. We have mutual respect for followers of different religions and of no religion.
Pupil voice is important to our community and everyone is heard. We democratically elect a Head Boy and Head Girl each year and our school behaviour expectations demonstrate how the rule of law bind a community together in a positive way. We aim to show equality in all that we think and do. Through our resilience and aspirations, we grow and adapt as people for the future.