The New Primary Curriculum was introduced in September 2014 and was statutory for all year groups from September 2015. Its content has higher expectation for teaching and learning and this represents a challenge for all.
Research has shown that almost all children can reach the standards set by the government. This can be done through effort, practice and resilience - some of the features of having a growth mindset. Extensive research, especially by Dr Carol S. Dweck, have shown that where schools and parents foster a 'can-do' approach, children's learning improves and standards rise. Having a growth mindset can improve children's progress and attainment - they can grow their brains and intelligence!
Here at St Lawrence, we strongly believe that all of our children can develop a growth mindset, and with help from all adults involved, can succeed. We place great emphasis on effort, resilience and the importance of making mistakes and learning from them.
"No matter what your ability is; effort is what ignites that ability and turns it into accomplishment."
(Dr. Carol S. Dweck)
As a school, growth mindset is an increasingly used and celebrated approach to learning and together one of our art projects recently was to share “The Dot” text by Peter Reynolds. Each class discussed how the mindset of the character changed throughout the story and then the children had the opportunity to generate their own piece of work focusing on determination, resilience and hard work!