
St Lawrence CE Primary School


Dear Parents

The Governors of St Lawrence CE Primary School have a duty to set the strategic direction of the school with Mrs Micklefield and the staff. They have a responsibility to hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and it's pupils. They oversee the financial performance of the school and ensure that the resources are used wisely, so that each child in the school has the best possible education.

The Governing Body meets at least twice a term which includes Full Governing Body meetings and Resources Committee meeting. This is where they hold the school to account and ask detailed questions about standards, behaviour, progress, how the money is being spent, how staff and pupils are being supported to do their best, how the children are kept safe and a whole host of other things. The governors come into school regularly, talk to children and staff and monitor first hand what is happening.

All this is a huge responsibility but it is also a privilege to be part of such a lovely school with such a dedicated team doing their very best for every child.

We know how precious your children are to you and that you are your children's first educators. The attitudes, values, security and work ethic that children bring from home have a huge impact on how they get on in school. Parents who talk to their children about what they do, encourage their interests, read with them, have fun with them, eat with them, encourage their friendships and love them even when things are not going so well, are those who develop the resilience to manage the ups and downs of life.

We want our school to be the best it possibly can be and we value every child whatever they bring to the school. Thank you to all of you who do your bit to support the school and make sure that your child arrives each day on time, rested and ready to work hard and show respect towards each other.

If you have any ideas about how we or you can support the school even more, or you just want to get to know us a bit better, do speak to any of us.

Yours sincerely

Paul Whitty
Chair of Governors

Vacancy for a co-opted Governor


Name: Paul Whitty


Position: Chair of Governors/ Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities/Committees: Resources, Chair Pay Committee, Forum Rep, Pupil Premium

Date appointed: 25 November 2020

Term of office: 4 years, end date 24 November 2024

Meetings attended: 2023/24: 100%

I have been a Governor at St Lawrence since 2018 and am currently Chair of the Resources committee and Vice Chair of the Governing Body.  I have worked in finance for over 20 years and hope that my experience in this area has been helpful to the school and Governing Body.

With 2 children who are former pupils at St Lawrence, I was keen to learn more about how schools work and obtain a different perspective from that of a parent.  My time so far has been both very rewarding and very challenging, and I feel I have really gained an insight into all the things that, as parents, we are often not aware of. 


Name: Caroline Weighton

Position: Vice-Chair of Governors / Local Authority Governor

Responsibilities/Committees: SEND

Date appointed: 14 February 2022

Term of office: 4 years, end date 13 February 2026

Meetings attended: 2023/24: 91%

I am a parent at St Lawrence as well as a governor. I currently work as a Speech and Language Therapist in a local specialist education setting, which enables me to bring experience in SEND, disability and health to the St Lawrence School community. Being a member of St Lawrence church also helps me to support the Christian ethos and values of the school. 


Name: Amy Panther

Position: Staff Governor


Date appointed: 18 October 2022

Term of office: 4 years, end date 17 October 2026

Meetings attended: 2023/24: 89%


Name: Paul Susans

Position: Co-Opted Governor

Responsibilities/Committees: HTPM; Pay

Date appointed: 26 January 2023,

Term of office: 4 years, end date 26 January 2027

Meetings attended: 2023/24: 100%

I am Paul Susans and was the Chair of Governors at St Lawrence School. I have been a Governor here since 2009 and greatly enjoy being a Governor here. My wife and I have three grown up children, who all went through their schooling in Alton, and two grandchildren. I retired from full time work in Accountancy in 2021 (although I have worked part-time as the "Lollipop Man" at Andrews Endowed School for the last two years!). My wife regularly volunteers at St Lawrence School accompanying children to and from swimming lessons, and other trips, and with reading - we both feel very much a part of the St Lawrence "family" and hope to for many years to come in one guise or another.


Name: Fiona Micklefield

Position: Headteacher

Responsibilities/Committees: Resources, Safeguarding

Meetings attended: 2023/24: 100%


Name: Bob Taylor

Position: Co-opted Governor

Responsibilities/Committees: Resources, Pay, Health & Safety

Date appointed: 19 April 2021

Term of office: 4 years, end date 19 April 2025

Meetings attended: 2023/24: 56%

I am a co-opted governor, am retired and worked in the general building industry. I use this experience to monitor the health and safety of the school buildings and grounds. I attend the Butts church and help with Sunday school and Treasure Seekers (a 5-11yr after school club). I come to school twice a week to hear children read.


Name: Jo Norkett

Position: Parent Governor

Responsibilities/Committees: Safeguarding

Date appointed: 1 December 2020

Term of office: 4 years, end date 30 November 2024

Meetings attended: 2023/24: 33%

I joined as a parent governor back in November 2020. I have been in retail and management most of my working life and I am currently a head cook at another primary school. I have one child currently at St Lawrence and one that previously went here who is now at secondary school. I really enjoy being a Governor here at St Lawrence School and I have learnt a lot about the school and what goes on behind the scenes. There is a lot that we don't see as parents that goes into the day to day life of running the school and to be a Governor means that we can focus on the strategic part of the role.


Name: Kate Miller

Position: Parent Governor

Responsibilities/Committees: Chair Resources

Date appointed: 1 December 2020

Term of office: 4 years, end date 30 November 2024

Meetings attended: 2023/24: 91%

I joined the Governing Body as a parent governor in November 2020. I have two children both at St Lawrence. I have worked in consultancy firms predominantly within the defence sector for the last 20 years mainly in business administration and finance. Although the education sector is very different to my day job it’s great to be able to use my expertise and knowledge gained through my career in a different environment. Being a governor gives a real insight into the school and its a pleasure to work with the Headteacher to help set the strategic direction and be a critical friend.


Name: John Vivian

Position: Foundation Governor

Responsibilities/Committees: Safeguarding

Date appointed: 29 May 2023

Term of office: 4 years, end date 28 May 2027

Meetings attended: 2023/24: 44%

I work for the NHS Ambulance Service and am an active member of St Lawrence church. I am in my second term as a governor and the knowledge and experience I bring from both my work and my faith help me to support our school community. 


Name: Andrew Micklefield

Position: Ex-officio Governor

Responsibilities/Committees: Resources, Attendance, Development & Training Governor

Date appointed: 16 July 2014

Term of office: Continuous by virtue of office

Meetings attended: 2023/24: 67%

I am the Vicar of the Parish of the Resurrection and am ex-offico Foundation Governor.  I have been a governor at the school since 2014 supporting particularly the vision, ethos and Christian values.  I regularly help with RE and PSHE lessons, talking to classes both in the church and in classrooms and sometimes attend educational visits.  Within the Winchester Diocese I am a trustee of the Diocesan Board of Education which has an overseeing and advisory role to all Church Schools.  Both of my children spent time at St Lawrence School and I like to support parents and other carers.  As a former primary school teacher, I also like to support all the staff.



Name: Keren Brake

Position: Foundation Governor

Responsibilities/Committees: Pay; SIAMS

Date appointed: 30 March 2024

Term of office: 4 years, end date 29 March 2028

Meetings attended: 2023/24: 100%

I am the newest member of the governing body and am a Foundation Governor. I have two children at St Lawrence School and have been a member of St Lawrence Church since moving to Alton 10 years ago. As a parent, I have always valued the strong relationship between the School and the Church and see the positive impact this has had on both my children. I hope that as a Governor, I can play a part in continuing to enhance that relationship.

I was a teacher in mainstream and SEN schools for 20 years, spending the last five years of my teaching career as an Assistant Head of a special school. I am now a Play Therapist, working with children. Play Therapy helps children and young people understand confused feelings and upsetting situations. I give children and young people the opportunity to play out (often unconsciously) any worries, trauma or changes they may be facing, in a safe, therapeutic environment.

I hope that my teaching experience and current knowledge on children’s mental health difficulties, will help the governing body to support the St Lawrence School family to continue to thrive.


Clerk to the Governing Board: Juliet Woolman

