At St Lawrence CE Primary School we have signed up to a learning platform called Seesaw. This means that at any time, if a child is having to self-isolate at home, or we have to close a year group bubble, or we have to have a local lockdown, we can continue to teach in a bespoke way for each class. If one of your children is in Willow Class, they will continue with Tapestry.
You will be able to see tasks set/messages from your class teacher and your child will be able to post work to them. Seesaw will be a system between your child and their own class teacher should we need it for online learning purposes. Teachers will not be using this to communicate to parents’ posts. If you wish to contact your child’s class teacher, please continue to do this in the normal way contacting the school office on 01420 84400.
Please do use the Seesaw Help Centre for general questions about Seesaw: